Made Suraja

Made Suraja

A true artist is not one who is inspired but one who inspires others.”  -Salvador Dali

November 22th – was a sunny day in Ubud when we were eating in one of our favorite vegetarian restaurants, Teratai. We were talking with Ibu Dewi about our struggle in finding a suitable boarding house around Ubud until she gave us the number and address to an unknown place.

A Balinese house on the rim of Kedewatan Street. Well, after a while of exploring and hearing the story, it is not as common as I thought it would be. Inside the house, there is a wonderful brain and a passionate soul.

Welcomed by a nice wall carving on the right side of the entrance door and various plants on every space of the place, Made Suraja, with his big smile, approaches and invites us to sit with him on his very artsy – art corner full of hanging paintings and unfinished sketches. It took us a while for the awe when we were staring at that painting. A unique, peculiar, painting with the characteristic of an afro woman as the main figure. A sharp-looking eye and a colorful top.

Then we were greeted by Ibu Wayan, who we find out to be Made’s wife. Their warm and lovely attitude made us feel at home, plus they are both a fascinating storyteller!

Made Suraja was born in Ubud in April 1979. Growing up in artistic culture and raised by an architectural artist, Made started entering the art of carving and sculpture when he was 11 years old. He then was intrigued by painting first when he walked by a painter’s house every day during school. That time, Sarong is his first canvas, a piece of bamboo is his first brush, a trowel is his first palette. Three simple, unusual tools that become Made’s best friend for years.

In 1995, Made got his first painting sold by a foreigner. The feeling of being appreciated later became the fuel for Made to dive deeper into arts. Unfortunately, as he can not afford to go to university to learn more about art, Made follows his friend and works for him in the painting industry for the next five years – the years of enlightenment for him which lead him to stand on his own and self-taught many more art forms, the beginning of Made Suraja’s professional career as an artist. 

  1. Art exhibition at Restaurant Kanpai, Ubud, 2002.
  2. Mix Exhibition at Bharata Gallery in Ubud, 2005. 
  3. Mix exhibition at the Santrian Hotel, Sanur, 2006. 
  4. A part of an auctioned painting in Siddhartha Art, Jakarta, 2012.
  5. Painting training with the Working Training Centre ( BLK ) for four months in 2014.

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